About Us
Rashtrotthana Blood Centre, initiated the Project Samraksha – the Thalassemia Day Care Centre’ on 19th August 2013 with the intent of providing systematic comprehensive management and care for the congenital blood disorder called Thalassemia, Sickle cell disease and few other Rare Blood disorders to the children suffering it.

Core objective of this project
Every Thalassemia affected Child should be able to lead a normal life. This is the first of its kind initiative involving comprehensive care for the congenital disorder Thalassemia in a Non-Government set-up. Rashtrotthana Blood Centre provides appropriate blood Transfusions specifically processed to reduce Transfusion related Reactions for the children who need repeat transfusions throughout their life.
Samraksha provides integrated care to the children suffering from Thalassemia, whether it is Blood Transfusions, iron chelation, monitoring of vital medical parameters or prevention and treatment of complications, the centre brings all necessary elements of Thalassemia care under one roof. Samraksha is enabling 400 or more children from the poorest of poor families to find proper help and support for Thalassemia. Modern technology is used and resources are shared to ensure that each essential component of management is available to every single Patient.